She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. 'Time' for her isn't something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water. -Roman Payne

Hello and welcome! My name is Katie. I am currently studying to become a registered dietitian and will begin a coordinated program in dietetics as a graduate student in September 2018. In my first career I was a photographer, my creative endeavors are now strictly for pleasure. I live in northern California in a great little town centrally located between the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountain range and the gorgeous California coast. I live with my hunky man, our sweet dumpling Jack and big ol' fluffy snugglelion, Cooper. 

Ramble and Root is a glimpse into my life. Here I share the things that are important to me, creative projects, pieces of my life, my dietetics education journey. My interests are widespread, on one hand is my love of travel, of spur of the moment road trips, explorer of new places and a soul filled with incurable wanderlust; on the other hand I am a homebody who loves to make the place where I live truly personal, inspiring to be in and sustaining to the life we live. With trusty camera(s) in hand I share my experiences from here, there and home again. 

Ramble - to wander around in a leisurely manner and to take a course with many turns or windings. I always take the route that will afford me the most beautiful scenery, drive the backroads, and love the opportunity to be a passenger which allows me to truly take in my surroundings. 

Root - speaks to the idea of home. While I might flit off into the world from time to time I always return home and truly enjoy being here. It also refers to the roots I put down, the marks that I make and will leave behind.

My internet rambling often leads me to some truly inspiring people. I hope to pay some of that inspiration forward.


All content on this blog is copyright 2013-2018 Katie Zaboy. Unless otherwise noted, this includes but is not limited to writing, artwork, design elements, hand-lettering and photographs. These have all been created specifically for this blog should not be used without my permission (just send me an email!) and if reposted should be credited appropriately. Thank you so much!