Pergamit Farm, November 2015
Home, February 2016
Home, February 2016
Home, February 2016
Home, February 2016
Jack is almost 2. He is the light of my day, the bags under my eyes and all of my heart- save the spot Chris occupies. Our little guy never ceases to amaze me. After having him, my perspective on life changed. I mean that sounds like a big "duh" statement, but as my best friend likes to say 'you don't know, til ya know'. You hear about it, you read about it, your best friend tells you all the good, the bad and the ugly of it, but truly... 'you don't know, til you know'. Life upended for the time being, I was searching for something solid to grab hold of, to ground myself, then to shove off of as this evolved self I had become. This was something I could only find within, this was something no one else could provide. I have had an inkling of wanting to change my career for some time now, so six months after I had Jack I made the decision to leap in and change my career path. This meant going back to school online and at night, while continuing to edit photos for an amazing photographer, which I have been doing since 2012. It's a juggle, it's not easy, but so far so good! It's given me the sense of self I needed and with Jack as my beacon I have never driven rougher waters with such confidence and hope. I have gotten through my first few chemistry classes with a new found love of science. I had to start at the bottom, having never taken any chemistry. It sounds like a nightmare right? As crazy as it sounds even to me, I really like chemistry, it seems to agree with me. I have also completed other very interesting prerequisite courses like medical terminology, basic nutrition and psychology - which I have no idea how I got through my first degree without having to take basic psychology! But it's checked off the list, whew! I started an internship this month, online, under these fun and savvy dietitians - The Nutrition Twins. I am so excited to learn from them. My first task included recipe research and food photography, I mean... It really couldn't be more up my alley!
My close friends and family know I'm going back to school to become a registered dietitian. I bet some of them wonder how I made the leap from photographer to dietitian. At first it seemed like a random choice even to me. But the more I thought about what I am constantly drawn to, it actually made so much sense. In my photography, while doing wedding and portraits as a much loved business, I always had a personal passion for food photography. This lead me to embark on personal photographic projects such as my year with Erickson Ranch. It was not just seeing food as a beautiful photo -which I do love - but I strove to understand the story of where our food comes from; from the people who take on the huge task of growing and providing local food, to how we prepare our food and what it does for our bodies. The deeper I got the more I wanted to know. Being a dietitian will take me deeper. It has captured my interest like nothing else, well... I say nothing else, except photography. But that is what made me realize I had chosen the right path, if I was going to make such a change. Having pursued my passion for photography as a career for the last 10 years, I knew I needed to have that much passion in whatever I was going to dedicate my career to for the next twenty plus years. And I never thought I was giving up photography, I could never stop. As something I do just for my own personal interest I have found a slower pace with it, it's been such a nice change. But I do see it making an appearance in my future career. My immediate goal is to get through school and to get my license but there are always grand schemes waiting to be hatched.
I thought I'd start this little series called Journal. For myself, a reminder of these days.